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> Corporate Planner Golf Outing & Post-Golf Reception
Corporate Planner Golf Outing & Post-Golf Reception
October 24th
Golf Shotgun Start – 1:00 p.m.
Post-Golf Reception – 6:00 p.m.
Company Name
Corporate Planner Golf Outing
Will anyone from your company participate in the golf outing on October 24th?
Yes, the following people will participate.
No one is able to participate.
Outing Participant Information
Please provide us with the following information for each of your outing participants.
Golfer #1
Telephone Number
USGA Handicap Index*
*If this golfer does not have a USGA Handicap Index, please submit the scores from his/her last 5 rounds of golf so we can approximate one.
Golfer #2
Telephone Number
USGA Handicap Index*
*If this golfer does not have a USGA Handicap Index, please submit the scores from his/her last 5 rounds of golf so we can approximate one.
Post-Golf Reception
Note: If you have more than one representative attending the Update Session on the 25th, they are welcome to participate in the post-golf reception on the evening of October 24th.
Will anyone from your company attend the post-golf reception?
Yes, the following people with attend the post-golf reception.
No one is able to attend.
Please indicate below who from your company plans to join us for the post-golf reception. Click the "+" icon to add multiple representatives.
First Name
Last Name
Company representative submitting this form:
Please send confirmation email to:
Comments or Questions